Digitize Teaching.

Create your own assessments, upload resources,communicate and share knowledge.

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We are Different.

Teacher centric tools

Question Types
6 Auto graded question types like Single choice, checkbox, fill in the blanks Match the following and True/False.
Question Banks
Create your own question bank or search from the pool of thousands of questions already added by other educators
Birds Eye View
Automated Assignment Analysis with insightful facts and overview of every question with students performance.
Create your own question bank or search from the pool of thousands of questions already added by other educators.
Score Spreadsheet
Automatically generated and one click download spreadsheet of admin and teaching work
Classroom Discussions
Create your own question bank or search from the pool of thousands of questions already added by other educators.
Detailed Analyses
Showing individual question analyses of overall students response.
Sharing Resources
Create your own question bank or search from the pool of thousands of questions already added by other educators.

Product Suite

Akiraku ecosystem

Akiraku is an evolving eco system of tools designed around the classroom experience. Our products are primarily directed towards enhancing the productivity of teachers.

At its core we focus on two primary classroom interaction viz. 'communication and content sharing' and 'classroom assessments' supported by a unified cloud storage and a single sign on system


Pick up your Plan.

A$ 100


  • Free forever. We just seek your patronage
  • Unlimited Assessments
  • Unlimited Student Accounts
  • Unlimited Classrooms


  • Free for 6 months
  • Customize your way
  • Pay for what you need
  • Unlimited Everything
  • Priority Support 24x7
Pay after 6 months
Contact Us

They talk about us.

We care about our customers.

The Scrudu and Hub tool has empowered me to test my students in a convenient setting while simultaneously allowing for the integrity of more traditional methods - Z. Fish (AP EAL)

I found the experience fascinating. I would recommend Akiraku to people who need a reliable online assessment platform for making the procedure of evaluations less tedious. - Shammi Akhtar (ICT, Educator, Sanskriti The Gurukul School, Assam, India)

Every teacher, student, classroom, and school needs to use Akiraku. It is the present, and the future of education - J. Anthony (AP, A Level, and IB Economics, History, and Educational Leadership)

Now, I spend less time grading and more time planning on how to address concepts that I need to re-teach in the classroom. - Reuben Saniyika (AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB, BC and AP Microeconomics)

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